The UK Publish First Net-Zero Review

The UK Publish First Net-Zero Review

The HM Treasury has published a net-zero review to guide the UK in its steps towards the 2050 net-zero goal.

The HM Treasure has produced an initial analysis through a review focusing on the UK set goal of being net-zero by 2050. This review will provide guidance and support to the government to continue to build opportunities supporting the economy whilst making the innovations towards the environment. This also includes how the goal can only be achieved through a joint effort which is why contributions must also be made by households and businesses.

The Exchequer Secretary, of HM Treasury, has said:

“We are already making good progress and have set out billions of pounds in green investment, including decarbonisation and greener homes, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, walking and cycling infrastructure, flood defences and backing enough offshore wind to power every UK home by 2030.”

The positive approach to our goal sets the example for the global effort to sustain our future by reducing the carbon emissions we produce on large scales. The UK has already been cutting their production of greenhouse gases since 1990 with a 43% reduction and hopes to lead the way for others to follow.

Read more about the official review here:

More information is available by speaking to Jason Thackray on 0333 9000 246 or email :