Business Energy Broker
Business Energy Broker
Utility SwopShop puts its customers at the heart of everything we do, and we are committed to providing excellent customer service. However, we appreciate that sometimes things can go wrong. When they do, we strive to resolve all issues quickly and efficiently. Customer feedback is always welcomed as it is essential to the continual improvement and development of our products and services.
How to Complain
If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the service provision you receive, we would ask that, in the first instance, you seek to resolve this with your primary contact or the person you are dealing with in our organisation. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 48 hours and will look to resolve your complaint as quickly and efficiently as possible.
If your complaint is not fully resolved to your satisfaction, then you may escalate your complaint for free by writing to:
Jason Thackray – Owner / Commercial Director
Post: Unit 2, Olympic Court, Boardman Way, Whitehills Business Park, Blackpool
We will investigate your complaint and aim to respond within 10 working days. If we cannot provide a full response within 10 working days, we will write to you explaining this and giving a date by which you can expect a full response.
If you are not satisfied with our response, you can also ask for your complaint to be dealt with at a face-to-face meeting with our Commercial Director.
If we have been unable to reach a resolution to your complaint within 8 weeks or you still feel unsatisfied with our response, you can use the Ombudsman Service’s free, independent & impartial resolution scheme who you can contact on:
Post: Ombudsman Services: Energy, P.O. Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF
Phone: 0330 440 1624